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WCRC Dec Mtg
Country Springs Convention Center
2810 Golf Road
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Saturday, December 02, 2017, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM CDT
Category: Local Reading Council meeting

Waukesha County Reading Council
Saturday, December 2, 2018

Sponsored by WSRA  Deb Zarling presents: Mindfully Implementing Research-Based Practices

We are bombarded with information on the “best” way to teach. As literacy educators and leaders, we make decisions that impact the education, and ultimately the lives, of students. We know we are supposed to use “research based practices,” and make “data driven decisions,” but what does that really mean, and how do we know? How do we make sound decisions, and support and advocate for those decisions with others?

1 Credit Option from Concordia University will be offered at each meeting for an additional cost of only $143!! 

Click here for more information.

Contact: Amy Mamerow [email protected]