Call for Manuscripts and Articles for WSRA's Journal
Journal Editor, Amy Frederick, is seeking manuscripts and articles for Volume 58 No. 2 SPRING/SUMMER 2021 for the WSRA Journal.
The WSRA Journal (ISSN 0160-9270) is published three times a year and addresses literacy research, current literacy topics, and presents educational strategies for classroom literacy instruction. There are themed issues as well as open issues. Each issue includes a Call for Manuscripts. WSRA members are encouraged to submit ideas on any topic. The general themes listed in the Call for Manuscripts are only suggested guides. The WSRA Journal is available to all WSRA members. Acceptance rate is 70%.
WSRA Journal welcomes well written, original descriptions of research-based instruction that improves literacy learning. Manuscripts must provide an appropriate blend of practical classroom application and solid theoretical framework. High quality articles, essays, and reports of different types on reading and literacy education are considered for inclusion in the Journal. Have you engaged in class room research? Have you tried a new strategy with your class that has had good results? Do you have successful ways of connecting home-school-community? Have you read a new professional book or a great children's or YA book? Share the news!
Separate features, such as non-peer-reviewed essays and poetry, are welcomed, as are papers that give us a glimpse of education in Wisconsin's history; all of these are printed as space allows.
Literature reviews without actual application to classroom instruction will generally be rejected. Digital photographs of students and/or teachers engaged in literacy activities are welcomed, as are examples of student work. All photos and student work examples require proof of permission, including parent permission when applicable, for inclusion in the Journal.
Open Issue: We are currently seeking manuscript submissions that focus on a variety of topics and research projects across all grade levels.
Submission/Review Process: All Journal manuscripts will be blind peer-reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. Authors will typically receive notice of manuscript status within one month of submission. At this point, reviewer comments, suggestions, and questions will be anonymously shared with authors. If the reviewers suggest the authors revise and resubmit, the authors will be given one month to make the revisions and then resubmit. The editor of the Journal will send the revised manuscripts back to the original reviewers for further review. Reviewers are asked to complete the second reviews within two weeks. Depending on the reviewer comments, the manuscript could be sent back to the authors for final revision or accepted for publication.
The WSRA Journal is divided into different sections:
- Articles: Research-based, blind, peer-reviewed on literacy-related topics
- Departments:
- Teaching Tips
- Classroom Considerations
- Creative Corner
- Children's/Young Adult Book Reviews
- Reviews of Professional Books
- Literacy and Technology
Submit your manuscript to Dr. Amy Frederick, WSRA Journal Editor at:
All submissions for peer review should conform to the style outlined in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Authors of accepted manuscripts must also provide written permission releases for use of material from another source (including student's writing samples, text or figures excerpted from another published work, etc.). Releases must also be provided for use of any person's words or likeness.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically. Text should be presented double-spaced in 12-point font, preferably in Microsoft Word; images should be submitted in .png, .tif or .jpg format.
Prepare the following files for uploading.
- Cover letter, including your name and affiliation (as you would have them published) and your mailing and e-mail addresses. Any coauthors should be listed in preferred order, with name, affiliation, and contact information.
- Abstract of 150 words without citations.
- One standard copy of the manuscript
- One blinded copy of the manuscript. To prepare this version, remove author names and affiliations from bylines, replace references to your own and to coauthors' published work simply with "Author (year)" in text and in reference list (that is, delete publication titles), and mask any city, state, institutional affiliation, or links to personal websites. Note that all in-text citations and corresponding references must be in standard APA format. Footnotes and appendixes should not appear. Instead, incorporate such material into the article text.
- Tables and figures in separate file(s).