Elect WSRA's Next Third Vice President
A ballot will be emailed to WSRA members (The Assembly) on January 1, 2021 to elect the next WSRA Third Vice President.
For your information from the WSRA Bylaws
Article III Assembly:
- Section 1 Functions “The Assembly shall be the legislative body and shall have full authority over the affairs of the Association with the limits set by these Bylaws. It shall elect officers as provided in Article V."
- Section 9 Written Ballot "Action of the Assembly may be taken by written ballot of the members."
Section 1 Mode of Elections
The Third Vice President, Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, Coordinating Secretary, and Recording Secretary shall be elected by electronic balloting. Procedures for accessing electronic balloting will be distributed to all members.
Information about the candidate:
This WSRA election information is offered to WSRA members (The Assembly) for the election of the next Third Vice President. The Third Vice President is an elected officer and serves on WSRA's Board of Directors. Information about Elected Officers can be found in the B15 Elected Officers Handbook.
The Vice President office is a part of the Presidential Cycle on the WSRA Board of Directors. The newly elected will serve from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2027.
- 2021-2022 Third Vice President
- 2022-2023 Second Vice President
- 2023-2024 First Vice President [serves as WSRA's 2023 Conference Chair]
- 2024-2025 President Elect
- 2025-2026 President
- 2026-2027 Past President
Kelly Luedeke
Kelly Luedeke is a Reading Specialist for the Kaukauna Area School District where she is an instructional coach, CIM Interventionist, and provider of professional development for teachers. She has served as a public educator for 17 years, including teaching fourth grade, first grade, and instructional support teacher. Kelly is a trained Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy coach, Comprehensive Intervention Model interventionist, and Reading Recovery Advocate.
She is a frequent speaker at state and regional conferences including the Wisconsin State Reading Association Conference, Wisconsin Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy Conference, and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Hot Topics in Literacy Conference. Her recent presentations have focused on attending to language for English language learners, students receiving reading intervention and all academic language learners. In addition to her public school responsibilities, Kelly is Update Editor for the Wisconsin State Reading Association. She also serves on WSRA’s ESSA/RTI and Equity task forces.