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Summer 2022 Institute and Leadership Meetings

Join us at the WSRA 2022 Summer Institute with Dr. Annalee Good

2023 Conference Submission Extension

WSRA Conference 2023 Proposal Submission Deadline Extended!

Share your expertise at our in person conference:

Listening to our past...Embracing our present...Speaking to our future...

New deadline is June 15, 2022.

Submit Here

WSRA Conference 2023 Fees

WSRA 2023 Conference Fees have been approved.

Please consider the conference fees posted here as you determine your budgets for the 2022-2023 school year.

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WSRA Conference 2023 Submit

Submit a Proposal here for the WSRA 2023 Conference by June 1, 2022.

Conference 2022 NEW Announcement

Cultivating Genius Chapter 6

Marvelous Monday!

This week, we are discussing Chapter Six from Gholdy Muhammad’s book, Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy. In this chapter, Dr. Muhammad speaks to the importance of teaching Criticality.

Consider this quote from page 120, “Criticality calls for teachers and students to understand the ideologies and perspectives of marginalized communities (especially Black populations all over the world) and their ways of knowing and experiencing the world. Without this knowledge and anti-oppressive beliefs of their own, it becomes impossible to teach criticality in the classroom because it calls for a direct interruption of the things that disturb the peace in the world and in communities.” 

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Announcing WSRA 2022

Announcing WSRA 2022! 

Seeking Session Proposals

Session Proposals for 2022

Share you expertise at
WSRA's 2022 Conference!

The Art of Literacy: Weaving Tapestries of Heart, Body, and Soul

2022 Conference Chair, Gayle Luebke would like to invite you to submit a proposal for the Wisconsin State Reading Association's annual conference. It is scheduled for February 3-5, 2022.
Consider which of these strands best fits your proposal:
Speaking From the Heart
Creating From the Heart
Body of Literacy
Social Emotional Health, Understanding Differences, and Social Justice

Seeking Session Proposals

The Art of Literacy: We Need YOU!

We are looking for speaking proposals for the 2022 WSRA conference, The Art of Literacy: Weaving Tapestries of Heart, Body and Soul.  It is more important now than ever that we are sharing our expertise.  Teachers, Interventionists, Coaches, and Administrators are looking for balance in delivering well founded, research based academic practices in both face to face and virtual formats.  Our WSRA Membership has a wealth of knowledge and we are asking for your speaking proposals so that we can pass on your expertise to ensure that students are receiving rigorous, research-based instruction - no matter their learning platform.  We know that you are doing amazing things with your students and encourage you to share your secrets with others so that students are receiving academic instruction that is grounded in research, engaging and focuses on instruction with an equity lens.

Session proposals for WSRA's February 3-5, 2022 conference will be accepted February 1 to June 14, 2021.

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